
The Speechcraft course was one of the greatest things I ever decided to do. It allowed me to slow down my speech for others to understand, it gave me confidence not only in public speaking, but in other aspects of my life too. I recommend this course to anyone. It will benefit you more than you could imagine. – Rodney K (course #1,16)

I have been with Toastmasters for 20 years and have coordinated and assisted with many Speechcraft courses. I never cease to be amazed at the development of self esteem and confidence that is displayed and achieved by the Speechcraft participants.
– Ron Alexander DTM – Menai District Toastmasters

I have coordinated many Speechcraft Courses with Menai District Toastmasters. Over the years, I have gained immense satisfaction from watching the growth of the Speechcraft participants in developing their Communication / Leadership skills. Many of these participants also joined the Menai Toastmasters club to further enhance the newly found skills. – Distinguished Toastmaster John Drinkwater